Beard And Moustache Transplantation

What is a Beard And Moustache Tranplantation?

Beard and mustache transplantation is a procedure in which hair follicles are transferred from the donor area; the back of the head, to the recipient area; the chin and mustache areas to be treated.

For men, just as healthy hair is important for appearance, beard and moustache can also be very important in terms of self confidence and external appearance.

Candidates For Beard and Moustache Transplantation

- The candidate has to be over 25 years old

- The candidate must be in good health.

- The candidate must have sufficient hair in the donor area

- Incomplete beard and moustache

What Are The Stages Of Beard And Moustache Transplantation ?

1-) Consultation

After the area to be transplanted and the root need is determined, a beard-moustache transplant operation is planned that will be aesthetically pleasing, and the preferences of the person, facial structure and cornering conditions are taken into consideration while making this planning.The next step to be taken are:

- Harvesting the follicles from the donor area via a Micro Motor to be placed in the saline solution which can preserve them.

- Channels are opened to place the roots in the areas determined during the consultation phase and drawn before the operation (If the operation is performed with the DHI method, there is no need for channel opening).

- The follicles are placed in channels then the follicles are implanted.

Technologies In Hair Transplant 

1-)FUE Method

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method is the name of the process of removing the hair follicles from the donor area to be transplanted. The FUE method is most common extraction process used in the world.

The extraction is performed using millimetric surgical instruments named “punches”. They have sharp cylindrical edges and vary from 0.8 to 1.1 mm in diameter depends on the thickness and depth of the hair follicles and adjusting the motor speed according to the tissue stiffness in the donor area. After being cut with the punch, the follicular units are extracted from the scalp with the aid of extremely fine forceps.

Immediately after the extraction, the follicular units are placed in a specific solution that ensures their vitality. A member of the team starts their preparation under the magnification of a stereoscopic microscope. The proper preparation and conservation of the follicular units are essential for the success of the transplant.

Meanwhile, opening chanells procedure starts. Hair follicle size and length should be careful to open the appropriate channel. The angle of the channel should be well adjusted to achieve the most natural appearance.

Then the follicles are placed one by one and patiently, with the help of forceps and the hair transplantation operation is completed.

2-) DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) Method

DHI hair transplantation should not be considered a new method but DHI is a modern hair transplantation technique developed by the FUE sub-group.

The most distinctive feature of the technique is Choi pens which should be used only by specialists.

Choi pen is a tool resembling a ballpoint pen to insert the grafts into the recipient area without creating any channels.

How is the DHI hair transplant done?

Hair follicles are removed from the donor area and the follicles are placed in saline called Hypothermosol to keep the follicles alive out of the body as long as possible.Then hair follicles taken from the solution dish are placed inside Choi pen one by one. This part must be done quickly. A specialist and 2 assistants take the part in this stage and 4 to 6 Choi pens are used for an average DHI hair transplant process. Then Choi pen is immersed in the scalp at a suitable angle and is placed in the scalp with the hair follicle when pressed in the special area behind it. After the hair follicle at the needle’s end is pushed into the hole in the hairless area, a DHI hair transplant is done.

Advantages of DHI Hair Transplant

- Implantation between existing hair for who have completed the hair loss period and over the age of 40.

- Patients do not have to shave their heads completely before the procedure if they wish.

Disadvantages of DHI Hair Transplant

-Limited number of grafts.

-More expensive than the other methods.

Differences between DHI and FUE Hair Transplant

- While the maximum number of grafts are around 4000 with the DHI hair transplantation technique, the number makes it possible to implant 5500 or more with the FUE method.

- While DHI method creates a disadvantage in implanting with a large bald area and a big number of grafts, in FUE method can be implanted with maximum density regardless of the size of the bald area.