All About Dhi Hair Transplant Method

All About Dhi Hair Transplant Method

The DHI method, which is a widely used alternative among hair transplantation methods, is a technique used all over the world. It is extremely important that the team is experienced in this hair transplant operation performed with special pens.

We have included everything you want to know about the DHI hair transplant method in this article.

What is Dhi Hair Transplantation?

DHI hair transplantation, which stands for "direct hair implantation", is a method that enables direct hair transplantation. In this method, which requires experience and knowledge, hair follicles are taken directly from the donor area and transferred to the planting point.

In this method, the time the hair follicles stay outside the skin is very limited. In this way, root health is maintained.

How Many Hours Does DHI Hair Transplantation Take?

As in all hair transplantation methods, the duration of the operation varies according to the region to be planted in the transplantation operations performed with DHI.

If the area to be transplanted is large, the operation may take longer because more grafts will be used. After the number of grafts to be used is determined and the hair structure is checked, the doctor will specify in how many hours and sessions the transplantation will be completed.

How is Dhi Hair Transplant Performed?

Special pens called Choi are used in DHI hair transplantation. With these pens, which have millimetric precision and have a sapphire tip, hair follicles are taken directly from the determined area.

The hair follicles transferred to the area to be transplanted are placed by the operator in a way that provides a natural-looking elongation. During placement, it is very important to place the hair follicles at an angle of 40 – 45 degrees. In this way, the person's hair gains a natural appearance.

During the operation, the tip of the Choi pen is changed frequently in order to transfer the hair follicles in a healthy way. Depending on the number of grafts, more than one pen and tip are used. The tip thickness of the pens used during the operation is determined according to the hair follicles and wire thickness.

Although DHI hair transplantation gives very successful results, it must be done by a professional team. The success of planting operations performed with this method is directly proportional to the experience of the team performing the study.

What are the Advantages of DHI Method?

In operations performed with the DHI method, hair follicles can be transferred in a healthier way because they are kept outside the skin for a short time. Being able to transfer in this way helps the roots to heal and lengthen faster . Likewise, the success rate of transplantation is higher as the hair follicles will survive at a much higher rate .

When using this method, the incision rate in the hair follicles is very low. In this way, it is ensured that the patient can return to his daily life in a very short time after the operation. The healing process is also faster.

Finally, unshaven hair transplantation can also be performed with the ability to directly transfer hair follicles. Depending on the number of grafts, it may be possible to transplant the hair without cutting or only shortening it. For detailed information about Dhi hair transplantation method, you can visit our Dhi Hair Transplantation page.

Who Can Have Dhi Hair Transplant?

Although this method is a common option used for many people, unfortunately it may not be suitable for everyone's hair structure.

Due to the nature of Choi needles used during the operation, the success rate is lower in curly and wavy hair. Depending on the thickness of the hair follicles, this method may not be used in people with curly hair .

However, this type of transplantation is not preferred for people with high thickness of hair follicles as it will not give the expected result.

It should not be forgotten that each person may have a different hair structure during hair transplantation. The best way to determine which method can be used effectively and healthily is consultation with the doctor. After the consultation phase, everything from the approximate number of grafts to the method will be clarified and the operation will be performed successfully.

Post-Dhi Hair Transplant Process

Since the incision area is very limited in the DHI hair transplantation method, the healing process is fast and easy. After the operation, which can be completed in a single session depending on the number of grafts, it is possible for people to return to their daily lives without waiting.

After the transplantation process is completed, you can experience a fast and healthy recovery process if you follow your doctor's recommendations and pay attention to the issues you need to pay attention to.

With our expert and experienced staff who will be with you at all times, from consultation to post-operative controls, you can easily achieve the lush and healthy hair you dream of.