Golden Recommendations for Hair Transplantation

Golden Recommendations for Hair Transplantation

The new appearance after hair transplantation causes an increase in self-esteem in patients. However, taking into account some recommendations after hair transplantation ensures that the results are much more accurate. We have golden recommendations for hair transplantation in our article…

Failure to take proper care after hair transplantation may cause hair damage and even more hair loss. It is especially important not to wash the hair until 48 hours after hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation procedures do not have a one-night recovery period. Often, the healing process can be long and arduous. It may take months for hair grafts to fully heal and start producing hair, but there are a few recommendations to ease the healing process of patients and prevent infections from occurring.

Basic Considerations After Hair Transplant Surgery

You should avoid direct sunlight and strenuous exercise for two weeks following the procedure. There will be some scars as part of the recovery after hair transplantation. However, these scars do not appear when the hair is fully grown.

itching after Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) hair transplantation . But it is important that patients do not scratch the area. You can apply a saline solution to keep the area moist and reduce irritation .

8 Tips for Hair Transplantation

Sleeping in an Upright Position

Use two or more pillows after the hair transplant procedure or, if possible, sleep in an upright position in a reclining chair. This will reduce swelling because the blood has a chance to travel away from the scalp.

It is true that the first week of hair transplant surgery is arguably the most important period during the recovery process. Because post-operative wounds are still fresh and newly placed hair follicles are still very sensitive. As this situation may cause discomfort, the patient should avoid bending over or tilting his head down. Patients should sleep in an upright position and use pillows to support themselves, if possible. This will help prevent irritation, swelling, and excessive bleeding.

Do Not Wash or Cut Grafts

Unless otherwise directed by the physician, patients should wait at least 48 hours before washing their hair. After that, they can gently wash their hair with shampoo and warm water using warm water to rinse. This method should be followed for the first 14 days after the procedure to prevent excessive crusting. After that, with the doctor's advice, the patient can resume normal hair washing habits, but should be careful. Combing after hair transplantation should be done very carefully.

Apply Lightly Pressure to Grafts

If bleeding or slight swelling occurs after washing the patient's hair, they can apply very light pressure to the affected area for about 5-10 minutes using a clean damp cloth or gauze. The patient should avoid piercing the area as this can increase the chance of infection.

Take Prescription Medicines

Some scars may occur after the procedure. Therefore , it is important to take any prescribed hair transplant medication. These will also help reduce any irritation. One of the tips doctors give is not to touch the scalp until the healing process is complete.

Keep Hair Long to Hide Potentially Visible Follicles

About one to two weeks after the hair transplant procedure, the wounds will begin to heal. A small minority of patients may suffer from follicles becoming visible . To hide that you're having surgery, it's to grow your hair out.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

should avoid any physical or strenuous activity that will raise their heart rate above the resting position for approximately the first week of hair transplant surgery recovery . This can include any activity, from running, cycling and playing tennis to yoga and heavy lifting. Patients should pay attention and protect their heads while getting on and off their vehicles.

Get Proper Eating Habits

A part of the recovery process after hair transplantation is the changes in your diet. It is important to avoid spicy foods, unhealthy foods and alcohol. Also, no smoking should be allowed. Smoking prolongs the healing process. Alcohol can also cause a risk of bleeding, as it dilutes the blood.

Be patient

The most important thing that maintains the recovery after hair transplantation is to be patient. It takes at least three to six months for hair to start growing. Before that time, grafts are healing slowly. The good news is that within nine months the grafts should finish producing hair and from that point on the hair should be growing normally.