Hair Loss is a Problem Seen by Everyone

Hair Loss is a Problem Seen by Everyone

Hair, which plays a very important role in the appearance of everyone, regardless of woman or man, can sometimes experience shedding due to various factors.

Although hair loss is generally thought to be a problem for men, it can also be seen very often in women.

only in the hair area but also in the eyebrows, can be treated with hair transplantation, allowing people to regain their natural appearance.

As a result of hair transplantation performed with state-of-the-art equipment all over the world, it is possible for people to achieve the natural look they want.

Hair Loss is a Problem Seen by Everyone

Hair loss is a health problem that can happen to every person, regardless of gender. Sometimes it can be seen that shedding occurs due to hormones and sometimes due to genetic factors.

As a result of a correct hair transplant operation that can be applied to everyone, it is possible for people to achieve the appearance they desire.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women can be due to many different factors, just like in men. Many conditions such as genetic factors, imbalances in hormones, weakening of hair follicles due to stress, polluted air or neglect can result in hair loss.

After the hair loss is completed, the person can regain healthy and lush hair with the transplantation process performed using different methods. The methods used are determined in accordance with the consultation of the team that will perform the operation.

The Hair Transplant Methods for Women?

Hair transplantation methods in women, just like the techniques applied for men, basically involve the transfer of hair follicles to the point where shedding is experienced. For this, after the consultation on the hair structure, the operation is started by determining which methods are suitable.

Techniques such as DHI and FUE come to the fore in hair transplantation methods applied for women. By using these methods, it can be ensured that people have lush and healthy hair as in the past.

The determining factor in the methods used is the number of grafts to be used in the area to be planted. Since some methods can only be used for transplanting with a low number of grafts, it should definitely be started after a professional consultation.

Hair transplantation in women can sometimes be done without shaving. Depending on the suitability of the hair follicles and the size of the area to be planted, the hair can be shaved in a low amount of 5-10 cm and sowing can be done. However, hair transplantation can also be done with long hair without the need for shortening in any way.

Things to Know About Hair Transplantation in Women

Hair transplantation in women is known as an operation that is completed very quickly if it is performed by a specialist team and does not require any hospitalization. After the operation, which can vary between one hour and seven hours, depending on the size of the area to be transplanted, you can complete a rapid recovery process by following the recommendations of your doctor.

The most important factor that determines how long hair transplantation will take in women is known as the number of grafts to be used. In the same way, it is determined which method will give more efficient results depending on the hair structure.

After the hair transplant operation performed by a specialist clinic, the scars disappear in an average of 7-15 days, allowing the person to continue his daily life from where he left off.

The most important point in hair transplantation operations is to transfer the removed hair follicles without waiting for a long time, while maintaining their health. For this, state-of-the-art equipment should be used and planting must be done by a professional team.

Hair Transplantation ?

is absolutely necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations in order for the healing process to take place as desired and to achieve healthy hair after hair transplantation operations in women. Even if the hair transplant procedure is performed on a small area, following the advice of your doctor in the best way after the operation will accelerate the healing process and ensure the success of the operation.

  • Protect your hair from the sun after the operation: In order for the hair follicles to heal properly after the transplantation process, they must be protected from sunlight, rain and similar external factors for a while.
  • Try not to consume stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes and coffee: Try to consume as few stimulants as possible after the hair transplant operation in order to complete the healing process quickly.
  • Not neglect the recommended hair care: Try to do the necessary hair care without interrupting by using the hair care products recommended by your doctor. Likewise, if dressing is required, perform it on time and regularly.

Following your doctor's recommendations and working with a specialist clinic will enable you to have lush and healthy hair as you wish.