Hair Transplantation

What is hair tranplantation?

Hair transplant is a procedure of obtaining strong hair follucules from a person and transplanting them to hairless area. As a rule, the follicles (hair roots) are taken from the hair ring at the back of the head, but the beard, chest, calf, pubic or other hair can also be used for hair implants, depending on the condition.

As part of the procedure, surgeons use microsurgical techniques to transfer grafts from the hairy sections to bald areas.

Although there is more than one type of transplantation, this process is started and finished painlessly, thanks to local anesthesia.

What Are The Stages Of Hair Transplant

1-) Consultation:

a) Online Consultation

Especially patients from all over the world reach out to New Me Aesthetic for their hair transplantation. They are asked to send their pictures of the donor zone –where the grafts are taken from- and the hairless area- where the grafts need to implant. These pictures are analyzed by our doctors.

According to their analyses, a patient's treatment report is prepared which includes the number of grafts, number of sessions, and method.

b) Face to Face Consultation (On Surgery Day)

New Me Aesthetic van will pick you up to the hospital to have your consultation with the doctor. The doctor will check your hair density in the donor area(s) and determine the number of grafts needed for the transplant.

All detailed information about the procedure and what will happen as a result of hair transplantation is explained verbally and in writing. At the same time, anamnesis, that is, patient and disease history histories of all our patients, are noted in their personal files.

2-) Determination of hairline:

The hairline is drawn by a specialist doctor taking into account factors such as the patient's age, facial muscles, donor area conditions for patient’s future and the golden ratio. While determining the hairline, the patient's approval and wishes are also taken into account. The doctor use a laser tool to make the hairline suitable to your golden ratio then checks with a millimeter scale to measure the critical point of the face. Then the patient is anesthetized with local anesthesia.

3-) Extraction of Follicles:

The hair follicles are collected individually with the micro motor. In the meantime, it is very important that the follicles are not damaged. Each of these follicles, called grafts, contains an average of 2-3 hairs and they are placed in saline called Hypothermosol to keep the follicles alive out of the body as long as possible. We use microscope to separate the single hair grafts among the bulk to insert them in the frontline.

4-) Oppening of channnels (FUE Method):

FUE Hair Transplantation results are highly dependent on the opening of the channels. In other words, if the channels are opened correct size and depth, the success rate of your hair transplant procedure will be much higher. A channel smaller than the root will damage the root during planting, or channels opened larger than the root will cause tissue destruction and scarring. Hair follicle size and length should be careful to open the appropriate channel. The angle of the channel should be well adjusted to achieve the most natural appearance.

If the operation is performed with the DHI method, there is no need for channel opening.

5-) Implanting of The Follicles:

The follicles are placed one by one and patiently, with the help of forceps resembling tweezers, into the previously opened channels during this process and the hair transplantation operation is completed.